Museum Lennestadt


Dynamite and tobacco, mining or castle mountain ... how does it all fit together? And what has the railroad brought to the people of Lenne Valley, what does this place bring to the wider world? Questions upon questions. Watch out Alfred: One day the Indians from America will invade here or a completely new town will be formed from all the places around!


The "Steel Time Travelers" Luise & Alfred: Museum Lennestadt

Visitor information

Kölner Straße 57
57368 Lennestadt
Phone: 02721/608401

Opening hours:
Tuesdays 9 a.m. –1 p.m. and 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. 
Thursdays 9 a.m. –1 p.m. and 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Every 1. sunday of the month: 2 p.m.– 5 p.m. and on request

KulturBahnhof Grevenbrück

WEL_Eisenbahn34_Kulturbahnhof Grevenbrück.png

The station front of Grevenbrück in English Tudor style hints at it: once a lot of money was earned here – thanks to the railway. Only the construction of the Ruhr-Sieg line and the connection to the Ruhr District pave the way for mining the rich mineral deposits in neighbouring Meggen – particularly pyrites – on an industrial scale. Proof of this can also be found in the Siciliaschacht Mining Museum …

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Bergbaumuseum Siciliaschacht


Sulfur gravel is mined here. A profitable business, it seems to me. Sulfuric acid can be extracted from it. I have also heard that zinc ore and barite are stored underground here. It's just as well that the days of horse-drawn vehicles will soon be history - after all, these new chemical plants are mostly further away on the Rhine.

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Museum Lennestadt


Dynamite and tobacco, mining or castle mountain ... how does it all fit together? And what has the railroad brought to the people of Lenne Valley, what does this place bring to the wider world? Questions upon questions. Watch out Alfred: One day the Indians from America will invade here or a completely new town will be formed from all the places around!

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