Siedlung Grafenbusch


Consumption, business ... first we have to offer people a decent home. They should feel comfortable. Everyone deserves what they get. Short distances to the plant and, on weekends, recreation in the magnificent Kaisergarten at the castle - that's how you keep your management team in line!


The "Steel Time Travelers" Luise & Alfred: Siedlung Grafenbusch

Visitor information

Am Grafenbusch 1
46047 Oberhausen > Siedlung Grafenbusch

Opening hours:
The area is accessible 24 hours a day.

Gasometer Oberhausen

EisenStahl 13 Gasometer Oberhausen

117.5 metres high, 67.7 metres in diameter: on its inauguration in 1929, this disc-type gas holder is Europe's largest gasometer. Today, Oberhausen's highly visible landmark is a reminder of the heavy industry that set the Ruhr District apart from other industrial regions such as South Westphalia, and attracts thousands of visitors as one of the most unusual exhibition venues on the continent …

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One city to another - almost a city of cities. Smoking chimneys everywhere. Where can the lady of the world do her shopping and stroll around with the whole gang without getting dirty? Not here in Oberhausen, at any rate - or can you imagine that this monstrous backdrop will one day become a sophisticated marketplace?

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Siedlung Grafenbusch


Consumption, stores ... first we have to offer people a decent home. They should feel comfortable. Everyone deserves what they get. Short distances to the plant and, on weekends, relaxation in the magnificent Kaisergarten at the castle - that's how you keep your management team in line!

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